Address: Via S.M. in Gradi 4 – 01100 Viterbo (Italy)
Website: www.unitus.it
Contact: uniteproject@unitus.it
The university of tuscia is located in viterbo, central italy. It was founded in 1979 and is a multidisciplinary italian public university that claims a prominent position among the best research and teaching centres in italy and europe. It represents a great resource for local development and for the production of innovative processes involving both research and small and medium-sized enterprises (smes). The university has about 700 employees, equally divided between technical-administrative staff and researchers and professors. Unitus has bilateral agreements with partners in europe, usa, asia and south africa for the exchange of academic staff, phd students and post-doc researchers, further enriching its professionalism and collaborations. It has participated in the past and still participates in the erasmus and erasmus plus mobility programmes. It is one of the four italian universities that adhere to the global compact, one of the major initiatives aimed at promoting a sustainable global economy, respectful of human and labour rights, environmental protection, and the fight against corruption. Unitus comprises six departments: -department of agricultural and forestry sciences (dafne) – department of ecological and biological sciences (deb) – department of economics, engineering, society and business organization (deim) – department of innovation in biological, agri-food and forestry systems (dibaf) – department of linguistic-literary, historical-philosophical and legal studies (distu) – department of humanities, communication and tourism (disucom) The University of Tuscia also carries out its research, development, and technology transfer activities through 8 interdepartmental University centres and 7 interuniversity centres. These Centers boast advanced fine analysis equipment capable of covering all the analytical needs for carrying out innovative research projects. At the University of Tuscia there is also the Industrial Research and Development (R&D) sector which is supported by a dedicated office. Tuscia has been awarded numerous grants at national and international level on the topic inclusion.

University College Dublin is Ireland’s largest university, and one of Europe’s leading research-intensive universities; an environment where undergraduate education, masters and PhD training, research, innovation and community engagement form a dynamic spectrum of activity. Since its foundation in 1854, the University has made a unique contribution to the creation of modern Ireland, based on successful engagement with Irish society on every level and across every sphere of activity. UCD is currently ranked within the top 1% of higher education institutions world-wide. UCD is also Ireland’s most globally engaged university with over 33,000 students drawn from 152 countries, including over 9,000 international students.

Address: Avd. Medina Azahara, 5 14071 Córdoba
Phone: (+34) 957 212 403 /(+34) 957 212 404
Fax: (+34) 957 212 406
Contact: informacion@uco.es
The University of Córdoba (UCO) is a non-profit higher education and research institution established in 1972. It is at the forefront of research in Andalusia, Spain, and is recognized among the top research institutions nationally. The UCO has a strong track record in Agricultural Sciences and Plant and Animal Sciences. With a deep commitment to society, the UCO promotes inclusion, innovation, research, technological development, and knowledge transfer as drivers of social and economic progress.
The UCO has 193 research units and 2,200 employees covering various disciplines, from Humanities and Legal and Social Sciences to Health Sciences and Science and Technology. It also boasts cutting-edge research facilities at its Rabanales Campus, which includes greenhouses, a meteorological station, and a Central Animal Experimentation Unit.
The UCO offers a wide range of services in ICT and audiovisual technologies, as well as in education and training. Additionally, it has extensive experience in managing and implementing international projects.

Address: Avenida Professor Aníbal de Bettencourt, 9, 1600-189 Lisboa Portugal
Website: www.ics.ulisboa.pt
Contact: sofia.aboim@ics.ulisboa.pt
El Instituto de Ciências Sociais de la Universidad de Lisboa (ICS) es una institución de investigación y un centro de estudios avanzados en ciencias sociales, a saber: Antropología Social y Cultural, Historia, Geografía Geografía Humana, Ciencias Políticas, Psicología Social y Sociología. El ICS es un centro interdisciplinario que prioriza la investigación interdisciplinar y apoya la investigación académica rigurosa organizada a través de varios Grupos de Investigación, centrados en los retos de la sostenibilidad, la ciudadanía, la inclusión social y la vulnerabilidad, así como la memoria y los legados. así como la memoria y los legados. Calificada como Institución de Excelencia (la calificación más alta en el mundo académico portugués) por paneles internacionales desde 1996. portuguesa) desde 1996 por paneles internacionales, el Instituto se convirtió en Laboratorio Asociado de la Fundación Nacional para la Ciencia y la Tecnología/Fundación de la Ciencia y la Tecnología. Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) en 2002. El ICS cuenta con 108 investigadores, 30 técnicos y unos 200 estudiantes de doctorado y máster.

Address: Via Sant’Egidio, 12, 50122 Italy
Website: www.teacheracademy.eu/courses-location/florence/
Contact: teacheracademy@europassnetwork.eu
EUROPASS SRL is a Vocational Training Organization accredited by the Regional Council of Tuscany. Since 2010, the institute has been dedicated to the training to teachers’ continuing education. Europass has a network of partners consisting in 15 training centres in other 11 European Countries, for a total of over 200 trainers and educators coming from 50 different countries. Is the leading European agency in designing and delivering Professional Development courses to already practicing teachers. We have a large catalogue of over 300 pre-set courses, originating from previous participation to EU funded projects in cooperation with schools and Universities across Europe, or designed on demand in response to the specific needs of schools. Europass Teacher Academy network delivers face-to-face courses in 26 cities in Europe, and it hosts every year about 5000 teachers attending short-term professional development courses in the headquarter in Florence.

Address: Modemweg 37, 3821 BS Amersfoort
The Netherlands Website: www.endurance-europe.nl ; www.endurance.nl
Contact: r.versteeg@endurance.nl
Endurance is a training company founded in 2001. Most of its clients are small and large organisations active in leisure, hospitality, and retail sectors. Endurance with its 25+ experienced trainers in communication, management and safety is a preferred company for many organisations to train their employees on different levels (from operational through executive to managerial).
The services sector largely depends on its employees and their correct training is increasingly important. The main aim of Endurance is to offer programs with long-term effect and long-lasting profit on investment. Endurance has extensive experience and proven track of trainings which are based on conversion of theory into practice, tailored training plans for its participants and a thorough evaluation. The process of trainings is followed by coaching and support to implement training results in daily practice. The main expertise of Endurance can be found in the following areas: C-VET, mentor training and sharing the knowledge on international (European) level.

Address: Largo dell’Università SNC, 01100 Viterbo – Italy
Website: www.tech4all.ai
Contact: contact@tech4all.ai
We were born from a personal experience and a big dream: to make learning environments accessible and inclusive. Specifically, we are a seed of Vrailexia, a European scientific research project on dyslexia coordinated by the University of Tuscia in Viterbo and recognised by IRCAI – UNESCO as one of the 100 best projects in the world applying Artificial Intelligence. From this experience we decided to found the spin-off Tech4All, with the aim of creating an accessible and inclusive digital world. By combining our multidisciplinary skills, from academia to business, we want to make our contribution to society by creating innovative digital tools that are useful for everyone.

Address: Charles University Fruit Market 560/5 Prague 1 116 36
Contact: uk@cuni.cz
Phone: +420 224 491 111
The Charles University (Univerzita Karlova in Czech) is one of the oldest universities in the world and the oldest in Central Europe. Here’s some basic information about it: Location: Prague, Czech Republic Established: 1348 Type: Public university Number of students: Over 50,000 Faculty: The university has faculties covering various fields including humanities, sciences, medicine, law, social sciences, and more. Rankings: It is consistently ranked as one of the top universities in the world. The university offers a wide range of undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs in various disciplines. It has a rich history, having been attended by many notable figures throughout the centuries